Financial Regulation Weekly Bulletin – 15 February 2024

1 min read

Includes developments in relation to: sustainability reporting; ESG ratings; claims management companies; PSR; PSD3; EMIR 3; CCP recovery and resolution; Consumer Duty; GAP insurance; AML; MLD6; SARs regime; ransomware; sanctions; and misleading financial promotions.


  • EU sustainability reporting standards - Council of the European Union and European Parliament reach provisional agreement on proposal to delay reporting for certain sectors and third-country companies by two years
  • Proposed Regulation on ESG rating activities - Final compromise text published by Council of EU
  • Claims management companies carrying out unregulated claims - FCA publishes findings from multi-firm review

Banking and Finance

  • PSD3 and PSR - ECON votes to adopt draft reports
  • Standards of Lending Practice - LSB publishes response to review

Securities and Markets

  • Streamlining variation margin in centrally cleared markets - CPMI and IOSCO publish report outlining examples of effective practices
  • EMIR 3 - Final compromise texts published by Council of EU
  • CCP Recovery and Resolution Regulation - ESMA publishes official translations of guidelines

Asset Management

  • Ongoing advice services and the Consumer Duty - FCA requests information


  • GAP insurance and fair value to customers - FCA announces suspension in sales

Financial Crime

  • AML Regulation and MLD6 - Final compromise texts published by Council of EU
  • SARs regime - Home Office publishes response to Law Commission review
  • Ransomware and sanctions - HM Treasury and OFSI publish guidance
  • Trading by organised crime groups - FCA publishes Market Watch No. 77


  • Signing off misleading financial promotions - FCA fines and bans LC&F director
  • Misleading advertisements and financial promotions - FCA publishes Q4 2023 data alongside 2023 data analysis