Insurance insights

New PRA process for insurance own funds permissions
The eligibility, issuance and repayment, redemption or repurchase of own funds instruments of or by UK insurance groups will, as of 31 December 2024, be governed by a new regulatory regime.

Funded Reinsurance - PRA Final Policy
On 26 July the PRA published PS13/24, setting out feedback to CP24/23 - Funded reinsurance, together with a final supervisory statement (SS5/24) and accompanying Dear CEO letter.

Insurance Newsletter
In this newsletter we discuss: artificial intelligence and insurance, including insights from our recent webinar, where are we with Solvency II reform? Consumer Duty deadlines, captive insurers and more.

M&A and Restructuring of Hong Kong Insurers - Upcoming Changes
This briefing focuses on the upcoming amendments to the change of control regime under the Insurance Ordinance – those considering an acquisition or restructuring of a Hong Kong insurer should be aware of the implications.

Digging Deeper on Non-Financial Misconduct
FCA Launches Non-Financial Misconduct Survey for Lloyd's and London Market Intermediaries and Managing General Agents

FCA Consumer Duty: Insurance podcast
As part of our Consumer Duty podcast series, this time we deep dive and look closely at how the Duty will apply to the Insurance sector.

Solvent exit planning for insurers
On 23 January 2024 the PRA published a consultation on Solvent exit planning for insurers (CP2/24). This briefing discusses the background to the consultation, what the proposals are, and more.

Insurance Outlook 2024
In this briefing we look ahead to some of the key themes likely to affect the insurance sector in 2024.

Insurance Outlook 2025
In this publication we look back at some of the trends in the market in 2024 and ahead to key legal and regulatory developments likely to impact the sector in 2025.