Financial Regulation Weekly Bulletin – 25 January 2024

1 min read

Includes developments in relation to: non-financial misconduct; consumer technology; climate scenarios; EU macroprudential framework; IRRBB; Paris Agreement; RTGS; digital pound; ring-fencing; motor finance complaints; CRD IV; Solvency II; IRRD; and AML/CTF.


  • Sexism in the City inquiry - Transcript of evidence published
  • How to regulate consumer technology - FCA publishes speech
  • Use of climate scenarios - NGFS publishes technical document

Banking and Finance

  • Review of EU macroprudential framework for banks - Commission publishes report
  • Interest rate risk in the banking book - EBA publishes heatmap outlining areas of scrutiny
  • Alignment of banking sector with EU climate objectives - ECB publishes report
  • Bank of England Levy (Amount of Levy Payable) Regulations 2024 - Draft laid before Parliament
  • Real-Time Gross Settlement - Bank of England publishes speech
  • The case for a digital pound - Bank of England and HM Treasury publish response to consultation
  • Review of ring-fencing rules - Report published by PRA
  • Motor finance complaints - FCA publishes new information
  • Payments regulation initiatives - PSR publishes speech

Securities and Markets

  • ITS on benchmarking of internal approaches under CRD IV - European Commission adopts amendments


  • Solvency II and IRRD - Final compromise texts published
  • Diversification in internal models - EIOPA publishes study
  • Climate-related protection gaps - EIOPA publishes speech
  • Solvent exit planning for insurers - PRA launches consultation (CP2/24)

Financial Crime

  • The Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (High-Risk Countries) (Amendment) Regulations 2024


  • Seiler and Whitestone v FCA, [2023] UKUT 00270 (TCC)