Competition & Regulatory Newsletter

1 min read

Guess decision prompts European Commission to issue informal guidance on cooperation in non-cartel antitrust investigations
On 17 December 2018 the European Commission announced its decision to fine Guess circa € 40 million for anti-competitive agreements. This figure represents a 50 per cent reduction in the fine, to reflect Guess’s cooperation with the investigation. A fact sheet issued alongside the Commission  press release provides informal guidance for parties who choose to cooperate in Commission antitrust investigations.

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  • UK’s CAT finds CMA’s Sainsbury’s/Asda review timetable unlawful
  • UK’s CMA responds to Citizens Advice’s “loyalty penalty” super complaint
  • China's SAMR fines two chlorpheniramine maleate suppliers RMB 10.04 million for abuse of market dominance

Competition & Regulatory Newsletter (19 Dec 2018 – 8 Jan 2019)