Slaughter and May advises the Ministry of Defence on resolution of landmark litigation and reacquisition of Armed Forces housing

Slaughter and May advised the Ministry of Defence (MOD) on the major deal announced on 17 December 2024 to bring the Armed Forces housing estate back into public ownership and settle the related public and private law disputes with Annington Homes. Under the terms of the transaction, MOD will re-acquire c36,000 houses from Annington Homes for a purchase price of £5.9945bn, as well as unwinding the complex arrangements that have governed their relationship since 1996. The settlement follows the MOD's successful defence of claims brought by Annington Homes in connection with MOD’s use of statutory enfranchisement rights in respect of certain homes in the estate, on which Slaughter and May also advised, and includes the resolution of all related legal proceedings.

Slaughter and May was pleased to work closely together with MOD Legal Advisers and Forsters LLP on the legal proceedings and settlement discussions facilitating the strategic reacquisition of the estate.

Richard Jeens Partner
Gayle Haig Associate
Margot Speed Associate
Rebecca Marren Associate
Real Estate
Mark Gulliford Senior Counsel