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Is crypto a risk to financial stability? Do cryptoassets pose a risk to the stability of the UK's financial system? In a speech published on 13 October, Sir Jon Cunliffe, Deputy Governor for Financial Stability at the Bank of England, suggested that we are edging closer to this conclusion. Obser... Blockchain and ESG - Legal 500 Blockchain UK Chapter Published The Legal 500 Blockchain UK chapter for 2021—contributed by Slaughter and May—has been published.  For the first time, this year's chapter includes consideration of the extent to which blockchain has intersected with ESG (Environment, Social and Governanc... The time it takes to update tax treaties: the case of the founding OECD member countries The global tax treaty network has historically consisted of bilateral tax treaties. Updating a bilateral tax treaty network has been described, within the context of BEPS Action 15 (Developing a Multilateral Instrument), as “burdensome” and “time-consumin... Spain deposits ratification instrument for the MLI On 28 September, Spain deposited with the OECD its instrument to ratify the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (“MLI”). The MLI is expected to enter into force in Spain on 1 January... Is it only a slap in the face when you have been quickly replaced? Alanis Morissette suggested as much in her iconic song ‘You Oughta Know’. But what happens when you have won a competitive tender, done a significant about of work on a project only to find that you have been replaced by another company effectively finish... UK’s Autumn Budget 2021 On 27 October 2021, Chancellor Rishi Sunak presented the UK’s second Budget of 2021 under the tagline “A Stronger Economy for the British People”. Few tax measures made it into a speech dominated by spending announcements, but this should not detract from... Can downloadable software be “goods”? Sometimes, says the CJEU. In the case of The Software Incubator Ltd v Computer Associates UK Ltd, the Court of Justice of the EU has recently held that, for the purposes of the Commercial Agents Directive (Council Directive 86/653/EEC), a “sale of goods” can include the supply of ... Bug off. What if your software provider won’t fix errors? In the case of Top System SA v État belge the Court of Justice of the EU provided some helpful clarifications on the scope of a user’s right to decompile software under the EU’s Software Directive (91/250, now consolidated as 2009/24/EC). The Facts Top Sy... Bridging the gap between DSTs and the new global tax system A big driver for international tax reform (and certainly the motivation for the renewed interest in it by the US under the Biden administration) is the desire to have one set of rules ensuring the largest and most profitable multinationals pay their “fair... Bridging the gap between DSTs and the new global tax system A big driver for international tax reform (and certainly the motivation for the renewed interest in it by the US under the Biden administration) is the desire to have one set of rules ensuring the largest and most profitable multinationals pay their “fair...