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Tech UK welcomes Brexit deal The EU and UK finally agreed a deal, the Trade and Co-operation Agreement (‘TCA’), on 24 December, but what does it mean for the UK’s tech sector? The UK Government’s Summary Explainer heralds the agreement as containing ‘some of the most liberalising and... Tech UK welcomes Brexit deal The EU and UK finally agreed a deal, the Trade and Co-operation Agreement (‘TCA’), on 24 December, but what does it mean for the UK’s tech sector? The UK Government’s Summary Explainer heralds the agreement as containing ‘some of the most liberalising and... Beyond Brexit: Competition law and subsidy control in the EU-UK Agreement After many months of challenging negotiations set against the backdrop of a global pandemic, the EU and UK negotiators announced on 24 December that they had reached “agreement in principle” on the EU-UK’s future relationship (the Agreement). Alongside fi... Financial Institution Notices: time to press pause or reset? As mentioned in my earlier post, the UK’s proposed “Financial Institution Notices” (FINs) would give HMRC easier and quicker access to taxpayer data. Under the current rules (in Schedule 36 Finance Act 2008), tribunal approval is needed before HMRC can de... Internet giant Alibaba under Investigation in China China’s competition regulator has long been cautious about enforcing antitrust rules against China’s digital economy, which has become a prominent force of China’s economic growth and benefited millions of Chinese consumers. However, the recent antitrust ... Foreign investment funds are exempt from withholding tax on Italian source dividends and capital gains on equities Starting on 1 January 2021, dividends and capital gains earned by qualifying EU/EEA based investment funds (EU/EEA Funds) are exempt from income tax in Italy. The new provision, contained in the 2021 Budget Law, eliminates discrimination against EU/EAA Fu... What the deal means for financial services: No change for now The Brexit trade deal lays down the details of the future relationship between the UK and the EU. The main document is the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) which (at the time of writing) is in force provisionally, with ratification to follow . ... OECD's guidance on transfer pricing implications of COVID-19: nothing “new” in the “new normal” The IMF's Annual Report for 2020 described the COVID-19 pandemic as a "crisis like no other", which has "created the worst recession since the Great Depression". The health emergency has forced many economies to a standstill. While some businesses, such a... DAC6: over (in the UK) before it’s begun? The UK has effectively repealed DAC6 for the majority of cases. With effect from 11 pm (UK time) on 31 December 2020 – the day before DAC6 reporting was due to begin in earnest - the UK implementing regulations have been amended to disapply DAC6 in respec... EPO study reveals UK and European positions in global 4IR patent race What do you know of Industry 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)? Characterised by the growing utilisation of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, robotics, 3D printing, the Internet of Things and advance...