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Peruvian Supreme Court: income from exploitation of satellites derives from intangibles not business The Peruvian Supreme Court has concluded that income deriving from satellite services is income generated in Peruvian territory by the exploitation of an intangible similar to the exploitation of a brand name or intellectual work. They found that satellit... COVID-19 impact on PEs and residence: HMRC and OECD guidance HMRC has issued guidance providing some comfort in respect of the question whether employees who do not normally work in the UK, but are stranded here as a result of the travel restrictions imposed due to COVID-19, could create a permanent establishment (... New Nominet initiatives to combat use of .uk domain names for criminal activities As some tech companies will unfortunately be aware, dealing with cyber criminals who register domains names similar to their brands for fraudulent activities can be time consuming, costly and involve reputation crisis management.  However, it is also cost... India’s amended equalisation levy: a change players in the digital economy could not have foreseen On 1 February 2020, the Indian Finance Minister delivered the country’s longest Budget speech ever. However, there was no mention of amendments to the equalisation levy introduced in Finance Act 2016—neither in her 159 minutes long speech and nor in the t... India’s amended equalisation levy: a change players in the digital economy could not have foreseen On 1 February 2020, the Indian Finance Minister delivered the country’s longest Budget speech ever. However, there was no mention of amendments to the equalisation levy introduced in Finance Act 2016—neither in her 159 minutes long speech and nor in the t... “Don’t change the station! I like this song” – the CJEU clarifies ‘communication to the public’ (again) On 2 April 2020, following referral by the Swedish Supreme Court, the CJEU ruled in Stim and SAMI (C-753/18) that hiring out a car fitted with a radio did not constitute a communication to the public and therefore did not infringe either Article 3(1) of t... Amazon: no infringing use but online platforms still in hot water? Last week the Court of Justice of the European Union ("CJEU") confirmed the relevance of commercial intention in establishing trade mark "use". Coty Germany, a distributor of high-end beauty products, asked the CJEU whether two European Amazon companies i... Hitting the wrong note? Music equipment suppliers face ‘big brother’ price-fixing allegations in the UK The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has issued the music equipment suppliers Roland and Korg with a charge sheet alleging ‘re-sale price maintenance’ by both companies in the UK – meaning they required retailers to sell their products at or a... What is this blog about? This blog is about a legal design project being run by Slaughter and May. The project is intentionally broadly cast to begin with: we are looking at the communication of legal information and asking if our work can be more effective and engaging. This is... A welcoming change for companies looking to bring their group-IP onshore Since 2002, there have been two tax regimes which apply to intangible fixed assets (IFAs) in the UK - the CGT regime for old IFAs and a specific accounts based regime for new IFAs which broadly allow companies to claim tax deductions in line with the acco...