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Showing 10 of 776 results for "brexit"
UPC update - Germany's Constitutional Court says Germany's UPC ratification is void - is this the final nail in the UPC coffin? ... and an opportunity for the UK? In previous posts here and here we have looked at the so-called demise of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and the Unitary Patent (UP) from the UK perspective, especially in the post-Brexit intellectual property landscape.   Now it is Germany's turn to take... The US's reaction to France's DST In her recent post, Zoe Andrews suggested that, given the importance for the UK of securing a post-Brexit trade agreement with the US, now might not be the best time for the UK to introduce a digital services tax.   Support for her view is to be found in ... Biscuits, Brexit, and big data Britain's favourite biscuit is the McVitie's milk chocolate digestive.  Britain's favourite ice lollies are Magnum ice creams.  And most memorably, the UK will decide to remain in the EU.  All of these are the result of polls of individuals conducted by Y... Decisions to be made on UK CFC State aid challenge Now that they have had a chance to digest the decision in the EU State aid investigation into certain aspects of the UK CFC rules, affected taxpayers are asking a number of questions. Will the UK appeal? It would seem surprising if it did not - and we wou... Exploring technological solutions for the Irish border post Brexit Over the last week or two there has been lots of debate about unnamed 'technological solutions' for avoiding a hard border in Ireland. So what are these mooted solutions?  Firstly, we need to establish what this type of border is usually used for, taking ... Tax and the City Review for November 2022 Mike Lane and Zoe Andrews discuss the VAT decisions of the CJEU in O Fundusz (sub-participation agreements) and of the Supreme Court in NHS Lothian (VAT recovery), HMRC’s Guidelines for Compliance, the OECD’s report on tax incentives and the U... Solvency UK - Results of the Solvency II Review In this briefing note we discuss the results of HM Treasury's review of UK Solvency II, including key changes to the risk margin and the matching adjustment to release capital held by insurers and facilitate investment in long-term productive assets. ... Banking Sector – Hot Topics, Autumn 2022 Welcome to the Autumn 2022 edition of our Banking sector – Hot Topics series. This edition discusses some of the key developments currently affecting the sector, including regulatory reform in the banking sector, which is focuses on achieving growth... Data Privacy Newsletter - Issue 20 In this issue: Regulator guidance, DPDI Reform, EU-US and UK-US transfers, ICO call for views on PETs, views from Australia, Data Protection and Privacy at Slaughter and May. The past few months have been turbulent ones with political and economic upheav... The Legal 500: Blockchain Country Comparative Guide 2022 - UK chapter The Blockchain Country Comparative Guide aims to provide an overview of the law and practice of blockchain law across a variety of jurisdictions. This chapter relates to UK law.   Blockchain Market Overview Please provide a high-level overview o...