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Showing 10 of 776 results for "brexit"
Beyond adequacy – Brexit’s wider data privacy implications Brexit planning should now firmly be on everyone’s agendas as the end of the transition period looms closer. This podcast discusses the implications of Brexit on data privacy and considers the key, practical steps that organisations need to put in place a... Redundancy in Focus - Brexit and COVID-19: the perfect storm? COVID-19 has forced corporates to re-evaluate their recovery plans and consider alternative measures to protect their long-term futures. One such measure is redundancies. In the first of a new, five-part podcast series addressing business-critical areas f... Extra-territoriality in a post-Brexit world As UK and EU businesses grapple with the complexities of the post-Brexit world, one of the first key questions for businesses from a data privacy perspective is whether their processing is subject to the UK or EU regime (or both). This briefing consi... Brexit has happened - so what next for Debt Capital Markets? One month ago, at 11:00 pm on New Year’s Eve, the Brexit implementation period ended and the UK left the EU single market. The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the UK and the EU that has applied since then does not deal with the regulatory detail o... A reprieve for EU-UK data flows but other data privacy implications of Brexit remain Many businesses will have breathed a sigh of relief following the announcement of interim arrangements for data flows in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement of 24 December. The continued free flow of personal data from the EU to the UK for a tempora... Brexit Essentials: IP rights post-Brexit A review of IP rights post-Brexit in the light of the recent EU/UK agreement on some key IP issues in the draft Withdrawal Agreement Following months of silence, clarity on IP issues post-Brexit is emerging for the first time. On 19 March 2018, the EU an... Brexit Essentials: The future of competition litigation in the UK Brexit Essentials: The future of competition litigation in the UK The English courts have historically been a popular choice for claimants wishing to bring private competition damages claims in respect of European cross-border cartels. Currently, the UK&... Brexit and EEA insurers This insurance update reports on the Chancellor’s December written statement to the House of Commons regarding continuity of financial services contracts post-Brexit and the PRA’s consultation on supervision of branches of international insure... Cartel Regulation 2018 - Brexit chapter Introduction to cartel regulation in the context of Brexit for inclusion in a book containing an international comparative analysis of various jurisdictions With ever greater cooperation between antitrust authorities, cartel regulation is increasingly en... Brexit Essentials: The Cross-Border Trade Bill Brexit Essentials: The Cross-Border Trade Bill The Cross-Border Trade Bill provides the framework on which, post-Brexit, the UK’s import duty, excise duty and VAT regimes for cross border transactions will hang. It is drafted to allow a hard Brexit...