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Brexit, C-19 and employee claims on insolvency With so many businesses under pressure from the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak, insolvency law and protections are a key area of focus for businesses and the UK government. Where a UK business becomes insolvent, the guarantee provided by the National Ins... UK based .eu domain name owners beware – Brexit is coming Are you one of some 142,000 UK based registrants of .eu domain names with a potentially big problem on their hands?  One consequence of Brexit is that from 1 January 2021 organisations established solely in the UK will no longer be entitled to hold a .eu ... Happy 2nd Birthday, NIS Regs… and now time for a review The UK Government has published its two-year review of the Network and Information Systems Regulations 2018 (the “Regulations”), as required in the Regulations themselves. The review found that, while the Regulations have been generally effective so far, ... UK based .eu domain name owners beware – Brexit is coming Are you one of some 142,000 UK based registrants of .eu domain names with a potentially big problem on their hands?  One consequence of Brexit is that from 1 January 2021 organisations established solely in the UK will no longer be entitled to hold a .eu ... A crackdown on illegal content – but at what cost? Debate around the EU’s online liability overhaul On 2 June 2020 the European Commission launched an official consultation seeking views on its proposed implementation of a new Digital Services Act (the “DSA”) to update the existing E-Commerce Directive – see our recent blog post. The EU has controversia... A new EU crowdfunding Regulation According to the EU Commission, crowdfunding improves access to funding especially for start-ups and other small businesses. The concept is actually quite simple: a start-up can present its project on an online platform and call for support in the form of... LIBOR and EURIBOR – ‘turbo-charging’ IBOR transition The UK regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (the FCA), has made it clear that will cease supporting LIBOR beyond the end of 2021. The process of transition to alternative rates is well underway and alternative ‘risk free’ rates (RFRs) have been iden... Judicial Review of the competence of the EBA: Analysis of the Decision of the French 'Conseil d'Etat' In March 2016, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published its final guidelines on product oversight and governance arrangements for retail banking products (EBA Guidelines) pursuant to Article 16 of the Regulation on the establishment of the EBA ((EU)... The impact of COVID-19 on the UK asset management sector The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented disruption to daily life as well as significant upheaval in both the real economy and the financial markets. That said, unlike the 2008 global financial crisis, this crisis does not stem from asset quali... Crypto custody business carried on in Germany: new German licensing requirements On 1 January 2020, as part of a regulatory package implementing amendments to the fourth EU Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Directive, new German legislation on crypto custody business entered into force. A new licencing requirement The legislation sets out a...